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Advancing Research

As part of our work to advance the global efforts into finding a cure for Multiple Sclerosis, we are delighted to announce that we are accepting proposals for research projects currently looking for funding support.

The UAE National MS Society is dedicated to achieving breakthroughs in the cure for multiple sclerosis. To be considered for funding, all projects must demonstrate alignment with the Society's research priorities. These priorities have been developed in consultation with medical and scientific experts, healthcare providers, and individuals affected by MS in the UAE.

NMSS Research Priorities:


Advancing innovative and emerging treatments that can slow, stop, or reverse MS.


Understanding the clinical characteristics, epidemiology, incidence, and prevalence of MS in the UAE.


Understanding the role of genetics in MS in the UAE and globally.


Exploring suspected risk factors for MS in the UAE population.


Understanding the efficacy and effect of specific treatments on populations in the UAE, including new treatments in clinical trials, RIS/CIS treatments, DMTs and COVID-19 severity, pregnancy, and DMTs.


Exploring the state of access to treatment in the UAE, MENA region, and globally.

Research Grant 2024


The NMSS grant will support research for an initial period of one year, with the possibility of extension for up to a maximum of three years.

Grant Value

AED 4 Million


Research grants will not exceed AED 500,000 per year. The grant will be provided for one year, with funding for subsequent years contingent upon:

The availability of funds.
The receipt, review, and approval by the Society of annual financial and research progress reports.

Eligibility Guidelines


The primary investigator should be an academic and/or clinical senior healthcare professional practicing in an academic institution and/or a research center that has the ability required to carry out the project in the UAE.


The subject of the research project must be aligned with the UAE NMSS research priorities.


The research should not be commercially driven or biased towards any specific product.


The research must be of scientific value to the scientific community at large.


It must be designed to provide meaningful information or conclusions with clear value to the MS community in the UAE and the region.


Research objectives must be clear, pre-defined, innovative, and feasible with potential for practical utility.


The research may be part of a multicenter / multinational project and involve regional and international collaborations.


The awarded amount must not exceed the legitimate costs incurred in conducting the research and must be commensurate with fair market value.


All applicable regulatory requirements, including regulatory filings and ethics committee/IRB review and approvals, must be observed. Research outside Abu Dhabi will require IRB approval from the relevant ethics committee.

Guidelines and Procedures for Submission

Grant Cycle Opens

July 2024

Letter of Intent Deadline

06 September 2024

Full Application Deadline

07 October 2024

Official Notice of Approval (dates subject to modification)

January 2025

Anticipated Start Date

April 2025

Application Procedures:
List of documents required for application submission.


Letter of Intent

Full Application:
Please ensure that study information is fully detailed (including project milestones and line item budget for all expenses of the project period).

Application Form
Exemption Form

If data will be transferred outside.

Protocol / Proposal
Grant Budget Form
CVs/GCPs of the Research Team
Data Collection Sheet

If applicable

Consent Form

If applicable

Survey / Questionnaire

If applicable

Upon completion of all required documents, please email the following addresses: and

For any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact the Society.


the future of workplace inclusion for pwms

ms awareness baseline survey in the uae

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Silhouette of a group of people at sunset. MS research and funding opportunities in UAE